Level 4 Supervisor Training

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Helping parents cope with suicide threats 2015

Anderson 1999

Asen Multiple Family Therapy, The Marborough Model 2001

Berger & Damman 1982

Strategies for reducing Secondary or Vicarious Trauma

Colonizer Positions 005

Freedman & Combs 1996

Fruggeri 2002

Strategies for reducing Secondary or Vicarious Trauma

H DH CS Toolkit Final

Discourses in the mirrored bathroom

Is second order practice possible

ISEC 2008

JMFT - adaptation and evaluation of NVR intervention of foster parents

John Shotters Pienary Paper

John Shotters Paper

Kolb 1984

Lang - The Systemic Professional

LIDDLE & Saba 1983

Mason 2011

McCann 2000

Outsider witness practices and group supervision

Reading list NVR supervisors course

Redstone 2009

Reflective and reflexive practice 2013

Rober P (1998) abstract only

Rotschild - trauma

Seikkula open dialogue

Seikkula - Healing Elements

Seikkula 1995

Shotter 2015 Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy

Trimble (2002) Listening with Integrity

Wilson 1993

Core Competencies

NVR Supervisors Training Days 1 - 4

NVR Supervisors Training Days 5 - 8

NVR Supervisors Training Days 9 - 12